which software was the first available for microcomputers quizlet

What is the first step when designing and creating a web page or website? The new chip made graphical operating environments for IBM PC and PC-compatible computers practical. Based around the Texas Instruments TMS 9900 microprocessor running at 3 MHz, the TI 99/4 has one of the fastest CPUs available in a home computer. Conceived by Harvard physics professor Howard Aiken, and designed and built by IBM, the Harvard Mark 1 is a room-sized, relay-based calculator. The Mark 1 was a refinement of the experimental Manchester Baby and Manchester Mark 1 computers, also at Manchester University. The Amiga sold for $1,295 (without monitor) and had audio and video capabilities beyond those found in most other personal computers. In 1939, Bell Telephone Laboratories completes this calculator, designed by scientist George Stibitz. selecting effective instructional software. Spreadsheet In a widely circulated paper, mathematician John von Neumann outlines the architecture of a stored-program computer, including electronic storage of programming information and data -- which eliminates the need for more clumsy methods of programming such as plugboards, punched cards and paper. . Many credit the PS/2 for making the 3.5-inch floppy disk drive and video graphics array (VGA) standard for IBM computers. The Difference Engine #2 at the Science Museum, London. The Invention of the PC These innovations made it cheaper and easier to. See Answer. The knowledge and technologies developed for the Stretch project played a major role in the design, management, and manufacture of the later IBM System/360--the most successful computer family in IBM history. The world's first scanned image was made on SEAC by engineer Russell Kirsch in 1957. 0.5 out of 0.5 points. The 6600 retained the distinction of being the fastest computer in the world until surpassed by its successor, the CDC 7600, in 1968. Despite using 98,304 PowerPC chips, Sequoia's relatively low power usage made it unusually efficient. What is a typical classroom application for instructional games? The touchscreen enabled smartphone also had built-in GPS navigation, high-definition camera, texting, calendar, voice dictation, and weather reports. The PET was popular with schools and for use as a home computer. Cameras would become a significant part of most phones within a year, and several countries have even passed laws regulating their use. Advertised as the first 100% IBM PC-compatible computer, the Compaq Portable can run the same software as the IBM PC. Mark-8 featured on Radio-Electronics July 1974 cover. The machines existence was not made public until the 1970s. The Pi weighed only 45 grams and initially sold for only $25-$35 U.S. An experiment conducted five months later on the MIT Whirlwind computer confirmed how useful and convenient a keyboard input device could be. The C64, as it is better known, sells for $595, comes with 64 KB of RAM and features impressive graphics. When connected to a color television set, the Apple II produced brilliant color graphics for the time. All three PowerBooks introduced featured a built-in trackball, internal floppy drive, and palm rests, which would eventually become typical of 1990s laptop design. The computer had to be rugged and fast, with advanced circuit design and reliable packaging able to withstand the forces of a missile launch. Within weeks of its appearance, customers inundated its maker, MITS, with orders. These tables were later confirmed by using more modern computers for the actual flights. Demand called for more than 12,000 of the 1401 computers, and the machines success made a strong case for using general-purpose computers rather than specialized systems. The PROMs What made the Sacramento State computer both so unique--and so expensive--was the programmable read-only memory on its motherboard. In 2012, Apple introduced the Retina display for the MacBook Pro laptop and iPad tablet. The HP-35 helped HP become one of the most dominant companies in the handheld calculator market for more than two decades. It featured a 5-inch display, 64 KB of memory, a modem, and two 5.25-inch floppy disk drives. any combo of hardware or software designed to provide services to us. Initially, Franklin won a court victory allowing them to continue cloning the machines, but in 1988, Apple won a copyright lawsuit against Franklin, forcing them to stop making Apple II clones.. Foremost among its developments was Forresters perfection of magnetic core memory, which became the dominant form of high-speed random access memory for computers until the mid-1970s. A joint project of Englands Manchester University, Ferranti Computers, and Plessey, Atlas comes online nine years after Manchesters computer lab begins exploring transistor technology. VisiCalc was released in 1979 and quickly became a must-have tool for business users. Colossus reduced the time to break Lorenz messages from weeks to hours. The first offering to the public required the buyer to purchase one to be given to a child in the developing world as a condition of acquiring a machine for themselves. What type of software allows teachers and students in different locations to use it to create, edit, and share documents at the same time over the Internet? Customers got a machine with a 233-MHz G3 processor, 4GB hard drive, 32MB of RAM, a CD-ROM drive, and a 15" monitor. The ATX is the most commonly used form factor today. The Manchester Mark I used more than 1,300 vacuum tubes and occupied an area the size of a medium room. The line was discontinued in 2014. Of the following, which is one of the controversies surrounding use of word processing in schools? One of the earliest personal computers, the Kenbak-1 is advertised for $750 in Scientific American magazine. That means if you want to get started collecting microcomputers, knowing which system to go for first can be overwhelming. This type of computer is useful in performing many of the mathematical equations scientists and engineers encounter in their work. The Model 650 was also highly popular in universities, where a generation of students first learned programming. Officially known as the Track Write, the automatically expanding full-sized keyboard used by the ThinkPad 701 is designed by inventor John Karidis. The First Microcomputer: Altair 8800. Over the next few years, the basic design of the IAS machine was copied in at least 17 places and given similar-sounding names, for example, the MANIAC at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; the ILLIAC at the University of Illinois; the Johnniac at The Rand Corporation; and the SILLIAC in Australia. Acorn's ARM RISC microprocessor is first used in the company's Archimedes computer system. Question 13. Oddly, the company doesn't use the term in its marketing, preferring instead to refer to the microcomputer (which it calls a "Micom") that implements the fuzzy logic. This high performance processor found its place in powerful work stations intended for graphics-intensive programs common in engineering. The NBS also built the Standards Western Automatic Computer (SWAC) at the Institute for Numerical Analysis on the UCLA campus. At a cost to computer makers of roughly $700, the ASR-33 Teletype is originally designed as a low cost terminal for the Western Union communications network. During three years of production, IBM sells 19 701s to research laboratories, aircraft companies, and the federal government. The Video Display Module (VDM) marks the first implementation of a memory-mapped alphanumeric video display for personal computers. The RISC microprocessor had a 32-bit integer arithmetic and logic unit (the part of the CPU that performs operations such as addition and subtraction), a 64-bit floating-point unit, and a clock rate of 33 MHz. Quiz 1. For many business users, quick access to this huge storage capability outweighed its relatively slow processing speed. After the success of the first LEO, Lyons went into business manufacturing computers to meet the growing need for data processing systems in business. The Air incorporated many of the technologies that had been associated with Apple's MacBook line of laptops, including integrated camera, and Wi-Fi capabilities. Many companies have attempted to release electronic reading systems dating back to the early 1990s. The handwriting recognition software was much maligned for inaccuracy. IBMs initial investment of $5 billion was quickly returned as orders for the system climbed to 1,000 per month within two years. Subject. The World Wide Web was invented in the 90s The first digital computing services were invented in the The first commercial computers were available in First PCs in the First Cell phones in the 1940s 1950 80s 90s The first computer was designed to fire missles A "Bug" is used to describe The legal result was a landmark: Atanasoff was declared the originator of several basic computer ideas, but the computer as a concept was declared un-patentable and thus freely open to all. Its founders were Ken and Stan Olsen, and Harlan Anderson. Which instructional software function would probably be the most appropriate choice for allowing students to discover rules for genetics? Based on ideas from Alan Turing, Britains Pilot ACE computer is constructed at the National Physical Laboratory. Its price was $2,500. Produce results (output) 4. True The term DBMS is used in reference to spreadsheet software. During World War II, the US Navy approaches the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) about building a flight simulator to train bomber crews. A full-scale working replica of the ABC was completed in 1997, proving that the ABC machine functioned as Atanasoff had claimed. Designed by Don Lancaster, the TV Typewriter is an easy-to-build kit that can display alphanumeric information on an ordinary television set. The first Kindle featured wireless access to content via Amazon.com, along with an SD card slot allowing increased storage. Designed by British engineer Tommy Flowers, the Colossus is designed to break the complex Lorenz ciphers used by the Nazis during World War II. The PROMs contained a disk operating system, allowing. This is likely the first example of remote access computing. Onyx Systems began selling early microcomputer-based Unix workstations in 1980. It also included more memory and accommodated high-density 1.2-megabyte 5 1/4-inch floppy disks. In his book Giant Brains, Berkeley noted - We shall now consider how we can design a very simple machine that will think. It had no operating system, but it did recognize commands entered via a row of switches. If a social studies teacher wanted to poll students anonymously about their opinions on a local issue, what tool might she use to gather their data? Ed Colligan, Donna Dubinsky, and Jeff Hawkins. This keyboard design was dubbed the Butterfly. The need for such a design was lessened as laptop screens grew wider. Microsoft Windows, also called Windows and Windows OS, computer operating system (OS) developed by Microsoft Corporation to run personal computers (PCs). Twitter is an example of which web-based collaboration resource? The ad featured the destruction of Big Brother a veiled reference to IBM -- through the power of personal computing found in a Macintosh. It was one of the first commercially available relational database management systems for microcomputers. Term. Definition. Quizlet is the only app you need to study and learn. The Macintosh Portable was heavy, weighing sixteen pounds, and expensive (US$6,500). When was the word "computer" first used? Shareware is a software program that is given away by the author for others to use free of charge. microcomputer: A microcomputer is a complete computer on a smaller scale and is generally a synonym for the more common term, personal computer or PC , a computer designed for an individual. Zuse later supervised a reconstruction of the Z3 in the 1960s, which is currently on display at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. It was developed as a versatile instrument controller for HP's growing family of programmable test and measurement products. The TX-0 (Transistor eXperimental - 0) is the first general-purpose programmable computer built with transistors. Tracks on the drum did the mathematical integration. The Apple II, one of the first commercially successful microcomputers, was debuted at the inaugural show of which annual computer industry conference? Leaving Palm Inc., Ed Colligan, Donna Dubinsky, and Jeff Hawkins found Handspring. Apple enters the handheld computer market with the Newton. Lisa is the first commercial personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI). The ABC was at the center of a patent dispute related to the invention of the computer, which was resolved in 1973 when it was shown that ENIAC co-designer John Mauchly had seen the ABC shortly after it became functional. Customers included US military as well as industry. Which software was the first available for microcomputers? About 50,000 were sold in Britain, primarily to hobbyists, and initially there was a long waiting list for the system. Their first product, the HP 200A Audio Oscillator, rapidly became a popular piece of test equipment for engineers. spreadsheet What is the function of an IEP generator? This very small home computer is available in the UK as a kit for 79 or pre-assembled for 99. The motes were powered by a tiny battery and could gain light energy through a photocell, which was enough to feed the infinitesimally small amount of energy a mote consumes (1 picowatt). Compaq licensed the MS-DOS operating system from Microsoft and legally reverse-engineered IBMs BIOS software. The replica is currently on display at the Computer History Museum. The IBM PC-RT had 1 MB of RAM, a 1.2-megabyte floppy disk drive, and a 40 MB hard drive. The machine came with 256 bytes of memory (expandable to 64 KB) and an open 100-line bus structure that evolved into the S-100 standard widely used in hobbyist and personal computers of this era. Joe Thompson at Whirlwind console, ca. What is a prominent research finding regarding students who engage in computer programming activities? Once finally completed, it achieved a computational speed of 200 million instructions per second and 1 billion bits per second of I/O transfer via a unique combination of its parallel architecture and the overlapping or "pipelining" structure of its 64 processing elements. The Arduino used a Java-based integrated development environment and users could access a library of programs, called Wiring, that allowed for simplified programming. Started in 1943, the ENIAC computing system was built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania. The Mark-8 Do-It-Yourself kit is designed by graduate student John Titus and uses the Intel 8008 microprocessor. What is the function of an IEP generator? Since the release of the Macintosh in 1984, Apple has placed emphasis on high-resolution graphics and display technologies. It was a commercial computer based on a microprocessor, the Intel 8008. The machine was designed and built by Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry between 1939 and 1942. With a distinctive anodized aluminum case, and hailed as the first true 64-bit personal computer, the Apple G5 is the most powerful Macintosh ever released to that point. In 1975, Scelbi introduced the 8B version with 16 KB of memory for the business market. Airline reservation agents working with SABRE. It was the world's first commercial 16-bit minicomputer and 172 systems were sold. After being successfully used for decades, NTDS was phased out in favor of the newer AEGIS system in the 1980s. Back in the 80s and 90s, the home computing revolution led to a huge number of microcomputers hitting the market across the world. One biblical scholar even used a Univac 1 to compile a concordance to the King James version of the Bible. Later revisions used the Z80 processor, which is the model pictured above that [The Byte . DSKY interface for the Apollo Guidance Computer. There is an inconsistency between states in the classification of ELL students. Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. The function of an output device is to: Selected Answer: Convert electronic information produced by the computer system into human-intelligible form for presentation to end-users. Both faced strong competition from the Apple II, Commodore PET, and TRS-80 computers. Physicist Stan Frankel, intrigued by small, general-purpose computers, developed the MINAC at Caltech. In October 2013, the one millionth Raspberry Pi was shipped. Before its decommissioning in 1952, the SSEC produced the moon position tables used in early planning of the 1969 Apollo XII moon landing. The LEO was Englands first commercial computer and was performing useful work before any other commercial computer system in the world. The first VAIO, a desktop computer, featured an additional 3D interface on top of the Windows 95 operating system as a way of attracting new users. Apple launches the iPhone - a combination of web browser, music player and cell phone - which could download new functionality in the form of "apps" (applications) from the online Apple store. Sold complete with a main logic board, switching power supply, keyboard, case, manual, game paddles, and cassette tape containing the game Breakout, the Apple-II finds popularity far beyond the hobbyist community which made up Apples user community until then. A. One of the first commercially produced computers, the companys first customer was the US Navy. For research, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) supplied the components, and 50 original LINCs were made. The most ambitious massively parallel computer at the time, the ILLIAC IV was plagued with design and production problems. Xerox PARC physicist Gary Starkweather realizes in 1967 that exposing a copy machines light-sensitive drum to a paper original isnt the only way to create an image. [1] Raspberry Pi, a popular modern-class microcomputer A microcomputer is a small, relatively inexpensive computer having a central processing unit (CPU) made out of a microprocessor. Johnniac was used for scientific and engineering calculations. Download now! The first generation of Palm-produced devices, the Palm 1000 and 5000, are based around a Motorola microprocessor running at 16MHz, and uses a special gestural input language called Graffiti, which is quick to learn and fast. True/False B. While Apple sued to remove the Laser 128 from the market, they were unsuccessful and the Laser remained one of the very few Apple clones for sale. His daughter named the new machine after the star Altair. English language learners often score higher on assessments due to their increased focus in language acquisition. To protect it from earthquakes, the building housing it was built using a seismic isolation system that used rubber supports. The Earth Simulator was listed as the fastest supercomputer in the world from 2002 to 2004. This printing programmable calculator was made from discrete transistors and an acoustic delay-line memory. With an order for 50 assembled systems from Mountain View, California computer store The Byte Shop in hand, the pair started a new company, naming it Apple Computer, Inc. A series of pulleys transported continuous rolls of punched paper tape containing possible solutions to a particular code. The PowerBook 170 was the high-end model, featuring an active matrix display, faster processor, as well as a floating point unit. Conceived in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, this credit card-sized computer features ease of use and simplicity making it highly popular with students and hobbyists. Intel released the 80486 microprocessor and the i860 RISC/coprocessor chip, each of which contained more than 1 million transistors. Astronauts communicated with the computer by punching two-digit codes into the display and keyboard unit (DSKY). FoxBase was originally released for the Apple II in 1984, followed by versions for the Commodore 64, IBM PC, and Atari ST. A version for the Macintosh was also released in 1985. Ross contended that a Flexowriter -- an electrically-controlled typewriter -- connected to an MIT computer could function as a keyboard input device due to its low cost and flexibility. Completed in 1951, Whirlwind remains one of the most important computer projects in the history of computing. The TI99/4 had a wide variety of expansion boards, with an especially popular speech synthesis system that could also be used with TI's Speak & Spell educational game. Microcomputers are an interesting part of the history of both computing and video games. Of the following challenges, which one has not been identified as a challenge for students engaged in blended learning? Of the dozens of different SWTP kits available, the 6800 proved the most popular. 1945: Memex Answers: Convert data into an electronic machine-readable form for direct entry into a computer system. The computer he created, an all-black cube was an important innovation. The Micral N was the first in the series and was produced by the company R2E. Each Cray-1 took a full year to assemble and test and cost about $10 million. Dollars. The LINC was later commercialized by DEC and sold as the LINC-8. The chip quickly became popular with designers of early personal computers like the Apple II and Commodore PET, as well as game consoles like the Nintendo Entertainment System. central processing unit (cpu) computers brain. SWAC was used to solve problems in numerical analysis, including developing climate models and discovering five previously unknown Mersenne prime numbers. A microcomputer contains a microprocessor (a central processing unit on a microchip ), memory in the form of read-only memory and random access memory , . Hewlett and Packard in their garage workshop. Originally a Cray XT3 system, the Jaguar is a massively parallel supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a US science and energy research facility. The electronic circuits (registers) of the arithmetic- logic unit perform both the arithmetic and logic functions needed for the software instructions to be executed. The company was incorporated by three 26-year-old Stanford alumni: Bechtolsheim, Vinod Khosla and Scott McNealy. After the war, Herzstarks Curta made history as the smallest all-mechanical, four-function calculator ever built. The definition of a computer remained the same until the end of the 19th century, when the industrial revolution gave rise to mechanical machines whose primary purpose was . It was transferred to the Department of Physics at the University of Melbourne in 1955 and remained in service until 1964. The 2116A is HPs first computer. Mathematician George Stibitz recommends using a relay-based calculator for the project. The mill is still in use today as an office park (Clock Tower Place) today. It was used to model the decay of the US nuclear arsenal, analyze financial data, and render 3D medical images in real-time. The 701 introduction also marked the beginning of IBMs entry into the large-scale computer market, a market it came to dominate in later decades. The Micral computer series debuted their first computer in early 1973. The machine had a fifty-foot long camshaft running the length of machine that synchronized the machines thousands of component parts and used 3,500 relays. Its task was to detect incoming Soviet bombers and direct interceptor aircraft to destroy them. Eventually, SABRE expanded, even making airline reservations available via on-line services such as CompuServe, Genie, and America Online. Description. The IBM PC revolutionized business computing by becoming the first PC to gain widespread adoption by industry. A later version of that machine became the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer. . Computer-enhanced image of IBMs Roadrunner. Inside was a Z80 microprocessor and a built-in BASIC language interpreter. The roots of the companys name came from the acronym for Stanford University Network (SUN). Apple makes a splash with its Bondi Blue iMac, which sells for about $1,300. With the success of the clone, Compaq recorded first-year sales of $111 million, the most ever by an American business in a single year. IBM's brand recognition, along with a massive marketing campaign, ignites the fast growth of the personal computer market with the announcement of its own personal computer (PC). Truong, founder and president of the French company R2E, created the Micral as a replacement for minicomputers in situations that did not require high performance, such as process control and highway toll collection. This free, public set of lectures inspired the EDSAC, BINAC, and, later, IAS machine clones like the AVIDAC. Minuteman missiles use transistorized computers to continuously calculate their position in flight. The result was the Relay Interpolator, later called the Bell Labs Model II. ____ operating systems are typically used for a network platform. Franklin was able to undercut Apple's pricing even while offering some features not available on the original. Initially designed for internal use by HP employees, co-founder Bill Hewlett issues a challenge to his engineers in 1971: fit all of the features of their desktop scientific calculator into a package small enough for his shirt pocket. For easy replacement, designers placed each transistor circuit inside a "bottle," similar to a vacuum tube. Motes are also known as smart dust, since the intention is that their tiny size and low cost make them inexpensive enough to sprinkle in the real world to as sensors. and taking up a volume of less than 1 cubic foot. It was built in Washington DC as a test-bed for evaluating components and systems as well as for setting computer standards. Designed to replace the 32-bit VAX architecture, the Alpha is a 64-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) microprocessor. The US Army asked Bell Laboratories to design a machine to assist in testing its M-9 gun director, a type of analog computer that aims large guns to their targets. 2. After successfully demonstrating a proof-of-concept prototype in 1939, Professor John Vincent Atanasoff receives funds to build a full-scale machine at Iowa State College (now University). Running on dual IBM 7090 mainframe computer systems, SABRE was inspired by IBMs earlier work on the SAGE air-defense system. true. ex..pentium, celeron, athlon. T/F True You can save money on your data plan by using this type of connection whenever possible for connecting to the Internet. In some places, lower populations of ELL students may result in distorted data analysis. The first practical stored-program computer to provide a regular computing service, EDSAC is built at Cambridge University using vacuum tubes and mercury delay lines for memory. C. The Jaguar was used to study climate science, seismology, and astrophysics applications. The first large commercial computers to use integrated circuits, RCA highlights the IC's advantage over IBMs custom SLT modules. Named in honor of the space shuttle which broke-up on re-entry, the Columbia supercomputer is an important part of NASA's return to manned spaceflight after the 2003 disaster. Because of its speed, small size, and reasonable cost, the PDP-8 was sold by the thousands to manufacturing plants, small businesses, and scientific laboratories around the world. Computer Science. Today those systems use the PowerPC chip, also by Motorola and a successor to the 68000 series.

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which software was the first available for microcomputers quizlet

which software was the first available for microcomputers quizlet