l ron hubbard wife

I know, because I personally met with her and obtained her resignation At first, Mary Sue Hubbard was not willing to resign. [34], The Scientology fleet was finally disbanded in 1975, when Hubbard decided to move ashore and establish a "land base" in Florida. ", INTERVIEWER: "What happened to your second wife? Parsons was deeply dismayed but tried to put a brave face on the situation, informing Aleister Crowley: About three months ago I met Captain [sic] L. Ron Hubbard, a writer and explorer of whom I had known for some time He is a gentleman; he has red hair, green eyes, is honest and intelligent, and we have become great friends. [72] When the case came to trial in May 1984, she told the Superior Court of Los Angeles County that she had been "mentally raped" and "emotionally distressed" knowing that others had seen the documents. She was forced to resign her post in 1981 and served a year in prison in 1983, after exhausting her appeals against her conviction. [61], Northrup filed for divorce on April 23, 1951, charging Hubbard with "extreme cruelty" causing her "great mental anguish and physical suffering". Hubbard and Northrup made no secret of their relationship; another lodger at Parsons' house described how he saw Hubbard "living off Parsons' largesse and making out with his girlfriend right in front of him. [3] The couple had three daughters. member living in the commune at 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue: "Betty went to almost fantastical lengths to disrupt the meetings [of the O.T.O.] In March 1981 she cut all of our communication lines to the GO, except through herself. American Religious Leader L. Ron Hubbard was born Lafayette Ronald Hubbard on 13th March, 1911 in . [42] Northrup recalled that "he used to To Hubbard, her sadness was nothing more than an annoyance. About 22 yrs, 6', 180 lbs. ), a secret society led by the English occultist Aleister Crowley, where she was known as "Soror [Sister] Cassap". She became involved in Hubbard's Dianetics in 1951, while still a student at the University of Texas at Austin, becoming a Dianetics auditor. [51] She stated that she was "not interested in revenge; I'm interested in the truth. Illustration by Pat Barrett. "[91], Although Northrup did not speak out publicly against her ex-husband following their divorce, she broke her silence in 1972. Mary Sue Hubbard died on November 25, 2002, aged 71, at her home in Los Angeles. When she ran off with another man Ron followed them and they locked him in a hotel room and pushed drugs up his nose, but he managed to escape and went to Cuba. [50] Her husband avoided being indicted but was extremely concerned that Mary Sue would betray him. In this same year, Hubbard launched a new religion based on two books he had written, Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science, and Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. [40] Established in response to the battering that Scientology was receiving at the time from governments and the media, the GO was tasked with tackling any "threat of great importance" to Scientology. Mr. Ronald Reagan President . The protagonist, "a bastard child", would be the son of the three most virile men in the town (a satire of the Holy Trinity). "[43], By October, the Foundation's financial affairs had reached a crisis point. The final version of Dianetics was written at Bay Head, New Jersey in a cottage which the science fiction editor John W. Campbell had found for the Hubbards. Mary Sue was appointed by her husband as Guardian (later Controller) of the Guardian's Office (GO) in March 1966. Such conduct was expressly permitted by the O.T.O., which followed Crowley's disdain of marriage as a "detestable institution" and accepted as commonplace the swapping of wives and partners between O.T.O. An archive of documents released by FBI about L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. [60] She stood down again, being replaced by a South African Scientologist named Gordon Cook,[61] and Jane Kember was replaced by David Gaiman, a British Scientologist.[62]. "I just ran across the airfield, across the runways, to the airport and got on the plane. "[71] She was so desperate to leave by the time she got to the airport that she left behind her daughter's clothes and her own suitcase and one of Alexis's shoes fell off as she dashed to the plane. "[72], After divorcing Hubbard, Northrup married Miles Hollister and bought a house in Malibu, California. "[27] The entire crew was forced to wear gray rags to symbolize their demotion; it was said that even Mary Sue's corgi dog, Vixie, had a gray rag tied around her neck. Apart from captaining the Royal Scotman for a period, Mary Sue's duties included managing the sprawling empire of the Guardian's Office agency within the Church of Scientology and serving as the chair of an executive group known variously as the Commodore's Staff Aides, the Aides Council, and the International Board of Scientology Organizations. [81], Only a couple of months later, he highlighted Northrup to his staff as a participant in a "full complete covert operation" mounted against Dianetics and Scientology by a "Totalitarian Communistic" enemy. The other five defendants received lesser sentences and fines. According to him, Sara had served a stretch at Tahatchapie [sic] (in a desert woman's prison) and was a dope addict. "[34] One night while they were living beside a frozen lake in Stroudsburg, Hubbard hit her across the face with his .45 pistol. Please do believe I do so want to help you get Alexis."[64]. During his interview with him, he got Lafayette to refer to Hubbard's wife Mary Sue Hubbard as Mary, before informing him that Hubbard used to call her Suzy. She was born into a criminal atmosphere, her father having a criminal record. Hubbard, who had left his wife and two children with relatives years earlier, bigamously married Sara. After six weeks of operation[5] it was replaced in April 1952 by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, established in Phoenix, Arizona, to promote Hubbard's newly announced "science of certainty". Despite her complicated feelings toward the man, Sara was overwhelmed with grief and sadness. [73], A month later, in the English High Court of Justice, Mr Justice Latey declared in a case in which Scientology was a prominent issue that "Mr Hubbard is a charlatan and worse, as are his wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, and the clique at the top privy to the cult's activities. A few hours later, he returned with two of his Dianetics Foundation staff and told Northrup, who was now back at her apartment: "We have Alexis and you'll never see her alive unless you come with us. L. Ron Hubbard started beating his wife during summer 1946. Further, through Parsons, she was strangely intimate with many scientists of Los Alamo Gordos [Alamogordo in New Mexico was where the first atomic bomb was tested]. Hubbard spread allegations that she was a Communist secret agent and repeatedly denounced her to the FBI. It's an unimportant detail but he's had three wives What is important is that his followers were there as he lied, but no matter what the evidence they don't believe it. [79], The establishment and expansion of Scientology. [86] In June 1986 the Church of Scientology and Alexis agreed a financial settlement under which she was compelled not to write or speak on the subject of L. Ron Hubbard and her relationship to him. "[13] Ken Urquhart, who worked for the Hubbards as their butler in the 1960s, commented that Mary Sue "could be very sweet and loving, but also very cold. [54], Hubbard nonetheless remained active in the management of Scientology. [21] Parsons subsequently resorted to more conventional means of obtaining redress and sued the couple on July 1 in the Circuit Court for Dade County. Sara Elizabeth Bruce Northrup Hollister (April 8, 1924 December 19, 1997) was an occultist and second wife of Scientologist founder L. Ron Hubbard. They traveled to Phoenix for Christmas 1953 and it was there on January 6, 1954, that Mary Sue gave birth to her second child, Geoffrey Quentin McCaully Hubbard.[9]. I may live a long time and again I may not. His search was unsuccessful and he released her at Yuma Airport across the state line in Arizona. [3] She originally intended to work in petroleum research, but a friend persuaded her to travel with him to Wichita, Kansas, in mid-1951 to take a Dianetics course at the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation. They spent most of their time working; there was very little socializing. There, creased between space adventures and tales of alien invasion, were the pages . You are a greater person. By August 1978, 11 senior Scientology officials and agents, including Mary Sue Hubbard, wife of the founder, were charged in connection with an alleged conspiracy to spy on the government. She informed us that she did not appreciate our investigation of the GO and that if one were needed she would do it. Despite her shock and humiliation, she felt compelled to return to Hubbard. Her disruptive behavior appalled Fred Gwynn, a new O.T.O. Currently intimate with them but evidently under coercion. Margaret "Polly" Grubb (1933-1947) Sara Northrup Hollister (1946-1951) However, their marriage was deeply troubled; Hubbard was responsible for a prolonged campaign of domestic violence against her and kidnapped both her and her infant daughter. The case was settled out of court eleven days later, with Hubbard and Northrup agreeing to refund some of Parsons' money while keeping a yacht, the Harpoon, for themselves. [67] She met him in Wichita to resolve the situation. in October 1969, the newspaper printed a statement attributed to the Church of Scientology (but written by Hubbard himself[80]) that asserted: Hubbard broke up black magic in America L. Ron Hubbard was still an officer of the US Navy because he was well known as a writer and a philosopher and had friends amongst the physicists, he was sent in to handle the situation. Hubbard took with him only two people, a married couple named Pat and Anne Broeker. "[10] When Helen returned, she found Northrup wearing Helen's own clothes and calling herself Parsons' "new wife." Parsons told Helen to her face that he preferred Northrup sexually: "This is a fact that I can do nothing about. [36] This eventually became the first draft of Hubbard's book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, which marked the foundation of Dianetics and ultimately of Scientology. "[24], The couple moved repeatedly over the following year first to Laguna Beach, California,[28] then to Santa Catalina Island, California,[29] New York City,[30] Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania[31] and ultimately to Hubbard's first wife's home at South Colby, Washington. He urged the FBI to start a "round-up" of "vermin Communists or ex-Communists", starting with Northrup, and declared: I believe this woman to be under heavy duress. Harry was born "Henry August Wilson" in Fayette, Iowa but was orphaned as an infant and adopted by the Hubbards, a farming family of Fredericksburg, Iowa. Confessedly a member of the Young Communists. John Sanborne, who worked with Hubbard for many years, recalled: Earlier on (before the divorce) he made this stupid attempt to get Northrup brainwashed so she'd do what he said. [37], On July 8, 1977, 134 agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation simultaneously stormed the Church of Scientology's offices in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, seizing nearly 50,000 documents and other evidence. After the vessel had been renovated by Scientologists, Mary Sue and the children moved into the upper-deck accommodation in November 1968. She struck the familiar pose of not seeing, hearing or knowing any evil. The house was torn down. The Hubbards had four children: Diana (born 1952), Quentin (1954-1976), Suzette (born 1955), and Arthur (born 1958). She was forced from her post as controller, convicted and imprisoned as a felon, and deserted by her husband. [32] Northrup had no idea of Hubbard's first marriage or why people were treating her so strangely until his son L. Ron Hubbard Jr. told her that his parents were still married. L. Ron Hubbard (1911 - 1986), often referred to by his initials, LRH, was an American author and the founder of the Church of Scientology. The targets were not just external enemies but dissident Scientologists; in 1969, Mary Sue wrote an order directing the GO to cull information from the confessional folders of Scientologists, breaking a rule of confidence that was supposedly sacrosanct. [75] L. Ron Hubbard died on January 24, 1986, at his ranch near Creston, California. I then confronted the mutineers, and persuaded Mary Sue Hubbard to again resign, which ended the last vestige of GO resistance.[63]. Dissmissed [sic] in February when affiliations discovered. However, there were a number of obstacles to overcome before the termination of the GO could be accomplished. By that time, Hubbard had separated from his first wife, Margaret "Polly" Grubb, but he was still legally married to her when he proposed to Northrup. Mary Sue strongly opposed these changes and reappointed herself Controller, rescinding the CMO's permission to investigate the GO. Born as Henry August Wilson, adopted by James W. Hubbard and Philena Jane Potter Hubbard, who changed his name to Harry Ross Hubbard. Hubbard turned up and took the child. It appears that originally they never secretly intended to bring this boat around to the California coast to sell at a profit, as they told Jack, but rather to have a good time on it on the east coast. [69] She was sent to the federal prison in Lexington, Kentucky, to serve her sentence,[70] though in the end, she was released after only a year of imprisonment.[71]. [59], In July 1981, all remaining GO staff were ordered to join the Sea Org, which would thus secure the CMO's control of the Guardian's Office, and the current Guardian, Jane Kember who was one of those convicted on conspiracy charges was to be removed. [1], Mary Sue Whipp was born in Rockdale, Texas, to Harry Hughes Whipp (Sept 2, 1893 Oct 30 1942) and Mary Catherine (ne Hill) Whipp. Mary Sue Hubbard (Ron's wife and mother to four of his children) and some other leading Guardians Office personnel were imprisoned as a result. The FBI declined to take any action, characterizing Hubbard as a "mental case". [27] The wedding attracted criticism from L. Sprague de Camp, another science fiction colleague of Hubbard's, who suggested to the Heinleins that he supposed "Polly was tiresome about not giving him his divorce so he could marry six other gals who were all hot & moist over him. Someone erroneously tipped Hubbard off that the FBI was going to raid again and a massive shredding frenzy took place in Palm Springs, CA as he left on 2/14/1980, again going into hiding, never to return. According to Russell Miller, "The crew worked to the point of exhaustion, the food was meager and no one was allowed to wash or change their clothes. "[45] A few days later while still married to Northrup he proposed marriage to Klowden. In the pulp-printed pages of a May 1950 issue of Astounding Science Fiction, L. Ron Hubbard published, for the first time, a work that would one day grow into an entire religion: Dianetics. She persuaded him that the compulsion instilled by the communists would be dissipated by going ahead with the flight: "Well, I have to follow their dictates. [89], The church continues to promulgate Hubbard's claims about their relationship. He moved in with me about two months ago, and although Betty and I are still friendly, she has transferred her sexual affection to Ron. Scientology is a set of beliefs and practices invented by the American author L. Ron Hubbard, and an associated movement.Adherents are called Scientologists. Every effort was made to butcher my personal reputation. Because of his "crazy misconduct" she was in "hourly fear of both the life of herself and of her infant daughter, who she has not seen for two months". L. Ron Hubbard's daughter the one he wanted to disappear surfaces online By Tony Ortega, February 6, 2017 . The Hubbards moved to a new house in Elizabeth to be near the Foundation. A thought nagged away at the young filmmaker as Hubbard expanded on the theme, "I could well understand hopping into bed at night with one's wife, rubbing one's hands together and saying 'we made $10,000 today dear'," says Nairn, "but I couldn't understand his own wife believing it all, believing in out-of body experiences and previous lives. He was 74 years old. The fact is that Hubbard had been married 3 times at the time of the interview. was carrying out in California. I can never pronounce her name. Louis Culling, another O.T.O. Fortunately for Northrup as it was the peak of the McCarthyite "Red Scare" Hubbard's allegations were apparently ignored by the FBI, which filed his letter but took no further action. The Church sued in 1982 and Mary Sue joined the suit, charging that Armstrong had committed an "invasion of privacy". . Your passion for Betty also gave you the magical force needed at the time, and the act of adultery tinged with incest, served as your magical confirmation in the law of Thelema. She gave Hubbard four more children - Diana, Quentin, Suzette and Arthur - over the next six years. [12], Northrup's hostility towards other members of the O.T.O. He went to live at the house and investigated the black magic rites and the general situation and found them very bad. I remember going past a Lincoln dealer and admiring one of those big Lincolns they had then. "[65] He accused Northrup of having conspired in a bid to assassinate him and described how he had found love letters to his wife from Hollister, a "member of the Young Communists." Center of most turbulence in our organization. Apparently it is the ordinary confidence trick."[19]. or so the stories go. members. Mary Sue then travelled with Ron to Phoenix, Arizona where they established the first organisation. The suit was filed by Mr. Hubbard's third wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, the stepmother of Mr. Hubbard's oldest son, Ronald DeWolf. She attempted to flee on a ferry but Hubbard caught up with her and convinced her to stay, saying that he was in the process of getting a divorce and that an attorney had told him that the marriage with Northrup was legal.

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l ron hubbard wife

l ron hubbard wife