christine grahame illness Very interesting link Hautey, hopefully Salmond will now be able to tell all. One of Grahame's first actions as an MSP in 1999 was to set up a Cross Party Group to support the work of public petitions on the re-establishment of the Borders Railway[11] which had been closed in 1969 during the controversial Beeching cuts. @Solarflare. They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. The harrassment enquiry was the lead item on ITV news at 10 tonight. She announces that the report will be put on the record, meaning it is available under FOI If anything, the events of the last few months have shown that to be the case. Constituency report for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. 24 February, 2021 at 9:24 pm Those senior prosecutors have also ignored Lady Dorrians ruling. Ive seen the television news channels are now all over the story and there will soon be nowhere to hide. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. It seems to me that Scots law is incompatible with One Nation Britain and will have to be got rid of at some point. Dearly beloved , the lesson today comes from the book of Watergate chapter 1 verse 1 and the Lord spoke to those stiff necked sinners and said its the cover up stupid. Christine D. Graham, M.D. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. Machiavellian is better and that points to one person only. I sincerely thank you for your post. Listen, if Murrell nationalised Scotlands oil, all the profits would be spent on fucking legal fees. And one post in particular seems to suggest that she is no shrinking violet. anyhoo, that`s why Saudi nationalised their oil , so all profits stay in Saudi. Family Medicine . At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. All this lack of transparency and the farcical claim that they are working in our interest, when they are clearly working against it, is insulting. She, like most, still lack the introspection to acknowledge this empirical @1inthree fact (links within the piece). Following the 2016 election to the 5th Scottish Parliament, Grahame was elected Deputy Presiding Officer. Paul Wynn Jan. 12, 2023. Delighted to say SpectatorTV has just welcomed its 100,000th subscriber. Liam Fox might have added that if even part of what Salmond says is true, Sturgeon can expect to face criminal charges. I think that the role of backbenchers and the role of people like me is to, in a way, hold your party to account a little bit at times; [though] not to freelance, because Im very loyal to the Scottish National Party and to independence Whereas in here, it may seem a bit [contentious], theres fewer of us. Without them there is nothing. Of course, the reforms that have dominated the committees most recent deliberations police and fire reform, tribunals, changes to the court system, and the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill are something of an exception. Wolffesstuttering, breathless performance, constantly licking his lips like a nervous lizard, had all the convincing character of a small child with a chocolate-smeared face denying any involvement in a half-eaten Black Forest Gateau a surprising trait in a senior QC used to presenting cases in serious criminal trials. Russia, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and every other company in Europe? At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. She would either have to perjure herself or spill the beans. Only explanation that fits his response. Latest Tory list of their illegal activities! [1] Her nomination was confirmed by the Scottish Parliament on 1 June 2016. It also includes any answer to those questions. I was just getting into the whole Come to Ghana thing from the Ghana tourism authority on twitter, then this kinda threw me: Just watched Sturgeons soundbite on Sky News, baiting AS with her square-go style. So, Angus places the lotion in the basket? SNP has already lost my regional vote (Ive done the wurkie-outs). It looks tiny with no lips. This is very serious., Scotland also has the highest proportion of probationers under supervision for offences against persons in all of Europe., The number of people in prison is predicted by the Ministry of Justice to rise further, as sentence lengths and custody rates continue to increase.. Some performance of stuttering, breathless contradiction with occasional deflection. After her visit, she told the press: "I found it quite upsetting. I wonder whether Spear feels the same way about men who threaten corrective r*pe of one of her erstwhile colleagues, or is that all right for her? I didnt believe a word of it. He was reasonably composed until he hit the point about not seeking to limit the evidence blah blah about 15.57.20. Look behind what WAS said not what wasnt. Do you think its possible that the man is ill? A woman who faked a pregnancy after a one-night stand has been sentenced to community service. Several attempts later, still cant get your clip to play Rev and I see nothing on YouTube as you said. Got to say Im kinda impressed with Jackie Baillie here. It is not a universal feature, though, she suggests. I am neither a unionist or a nationalist, but I have a strong mistruct, based upon experience, of Scottish lawyers. He was obviously very uncomfortable and thinking very carefully before answering anything. It has not sought, and will not seek, to limit the evidence that the Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints may have available to it or to interfere with the work of that committee. The reason being that while we are understandably nervous it detracts from the message. Two weeks later, the dog was put down after biting someone. I am no fan of Liam Fox, but if you cpompare this with the skitter we have listened to today by Sturgeon and Wolffe, I think it is obvious that there will be a change soon at Holyrood. I think Alex Salmond will be looking-on tonight, pleased that he has had the opposition plan set-out before him. Notwithstanding this fiasco, she is IMHO one of the better SNP MSPs. In this election, she increased her majority to 6,826. I wonder if the reason why he was unsettled at points might have been because somebody else had written the answers for him and as he was reading them he came across parts he realised would put him in an even more difficult position so he could not bring himself to read them aloud. Lots of looking down and to the left. It would be helpful to know the process before the letter was issued to the Parliament. The other problem I have is the assertion that the redacted evidence is necessary to protect the anonymity of the conspirators, but when comparing the full text with the redacted version, this is patently untrue. After the election, she was reshuffled from chair of the Scottish Parliament's Health committee to Shadow Minister for Social Justice, generally seen by media commentators as an upwards shift. Incidentally, in his interview with Mark McNaught recently Craig Murray identified a former MI5 agent working at the Crown Office. I dont know about you folks but these days Alex Salmond dignity is clear to see. Better to have an independent scotland that is clean. Brent Crude (Scotland`s type) now selling at over $65 per barrel. I am not too sure where I actually stand here for I do not really have much information of the person that I first referred to as a nodding donkey. Did anyone notice he was turning the pages of his folder from back to front? What legal firm would touch her, and she wasnt a very good lawyer anyway. You'll find the topic discussed and how many times this MSP has contributed to the discussion. 6.1.1, The world's most-read Scottish politics website, Posted on Orwell, 1984. Starts to make sense why Lloyd has been prevented from giving testimony under oath. It emerged yesterday Christine Grahame, SNP MSP and convenor of the committee, has been accused by a former employee of making sectarian remarks about colleagues, including members of her own. A shepherd's daughter, her father travelled for work, so her formal education was limited. No, nobody uses Christine except Christine, and possibly my cats, and possibly, when Im not paying attention, my brother, who can always lead me astray and then I get the blame but then hes been doing that since I was three. Bring it on. The only thing too wee too poor and too stupid about our country, it seems, is the bulk of the political class in it. There is no question now but we are in a major constitutional crisis. We appear to be living in a Sturgeonian dystopia where her popularity insulates her from scrutiny. Watch the bit of the briefing again and youll see what I mean. last 24 hours and why has the daily Death total today still higher than Log In. This rhetoric is devastating for womens trust in reporting sexual harrassment + abuse. State owned Saudi Aramco it is the seventh largest company in the world by revenue. Category Sometimes the opposition misses the mark and youre doing things. It speaks volumes about the quality of the opposition in Hollyrood. What is Christine Graham's office address? @Captain Yossarian says: Twitter. Hopefully more MSPs and such like call for this before & after the election. The one thing I will say though is that Ms Grahame seems very much like my mum theres nothing going to keep her back. It is interesting that he has been called back at all. If the Lord advocate had been at school and speaking in front of the class, the teacher would have told him to take a seat half way through to save him embarrassing himself any more. "[20] A month later, Grahame arranged a second meeting with the prisoner, Megrahi. Ms 2 and Ms 3. Grahame, a veteran having been through four parliamentary elections, says she has never held ministerial ambitions and has never felt her freedom to speak up curtailed. Born in Staffordshire, England, and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland, she attended the University of Edinburgh and Moray House College of Education. Crown Office is corrupt and incompetent. I used to have some respect for lawyers, but as the years passed, I got to know a few, had to use a few, or found myself in court or on a jury my respect for the whole thing has long evaporated. She is affiliated with medical facilities Northwest Medical Center and Tucson Medical Center. Someone leaks the report to the Daily Record. THE UK Government has announced plans to spend millions on projects across Scotland by working directly with local authorities.. The Crown raises issues and concerns in any case in which it apprehends that a contempt may take place. We know they were betrayed by their sister, Leslie Evans, who took the material direct to the Crown Agent against their explicit wishes. Even at age nine, Christine Grahame didnt stay silent for long when she deemed something was wrong. Try every dirty legal trick in the book. Big Jock says: It seems to be disappearing. Not that I was that interested in what she was saying I switched off to everything she has to say since she fired Mark MacDonald for sending a text. Dr. Christine D. Graham is a pediatrician in Tucson, Arizona. Preparations had been made since December 2017, when Police Scotland were approached for the first time by Judith McKinnon. The Government shouldnt produce so many bills. This is his site & comments as such put him in Jeopardy. So I found this tiny clip Boris is spending money like Scottish water! 24 February, 2021 at 5:55 pm, Im wondering if there is any other link between Nicolas office and the copfs which would allow Lord Wolffe to say I didnt touch it. Sturgeon, youve been found out. Bottle banks are full while churches are empty. the 2 TRILLION OF DEBT before Covid must now be down to Grandchildren A lot said but little told. Its bubbling up. It was strange performance. They get two nibbles. On, Christine is listed as a successful Politician who was born in the year of 1944. I received a copy of the letter for my information after it had been issued. Political Holdings Limited document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Time for Michael Matheson to live up to his motto of smart on crime. We know this because this is what she said to the court. Although she was unsuccessful, she was elected as an additional member of the South of Scotland region. Billions for new nuclear weapons They look at each other and ask .Do you think there might be any others?. I see Johnson is about to bribe local councillors with cash to play with at local level (ignoring Holyrood intervention), Graeme Hampton says: Same with Baillie asking the urgent question in the first place. 24 February, 2021 at 7:03 pm. It can be strange, what you find on Tinternet. Her first name is "Christine" and her last name is . ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 28 September 2022, "To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with NHS Borders. Id never campaign shoulder to shoulder with some of the loathsome individuals in the SNP at present. Does this not perhaps help to explain why Scotland has the highest prison population rate per head in Western Europe, with 150 people held in prison for every 100,000 of the population? Stand Fast! a quick thought, quote taken from a commentor on guido. Really? This website contains useful information including details on how to contact me as well as local surveys and information. Craig Murray should just wire 25 large ones to James matthews because he quite clearly has the aberdein statement, or possibly even an interview lined up. I found a jigsaw piece dating back to 2012 it makes you wonder about a few things. He wears ill-fitting suits from a charity shop and has green teeth. By insisting on post publication redaction of paragraphs which name only one woman other than the FM, will the professional and independent law officer involved, who allegedly acted without the approval of the Lord Advocate, be prosecuted for contempt of court by effectively identifying a complainant? Its nothing to worry about. Breeks says: Christine, concerned the animal would soon bite a young child, went to her mother. And now its going to be the gift that keeps on giving. Those poor women have been abused just like the Lloyds Names were abused. From his performance today, I suspect he did not approve the letter, and he knows he is in jeopardy. acceptable answers (for NO) include a kidnapped child trapped in an underground dungeon with 20 minutes worth of air and the kidnapper is trying to stonewall you, take the fifth, asking for a lawyer . full marks to Jackie Baillie for making him look shifty and evasive, Well done Jackie you are wasted in the Labour party, Ian Spruce says: Who does he report to now & is it waffle himself? incompetences of Tory management of Covid 19 because Deputy Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Depute Leader of the Scottish National Party, "BBC NEWS | Election 2007 | Scottish Parliament | Election Result: South of Scotland", "Election 2011 Scotland Midlothian South, Tweeddale & Lauderdale", "Ken Macintosh chosen as Holyrood presiding officer", "MSPs: Cross-Party Groups: Animal Welfare", "North-east MSP gains new role in Scottish Parliament", "Lewis Macdonald elected temporary Deputy Presiding Officer", "Midlothian MSP takes a trip on new railway", "SNP councillors and MSP embroiled in feud over Great Tapestry of Scotland", "Great Tapestry of Scotland's Tweedbank business case examined", "Borders councillors being advised to pick Galashiels to host Great Tapestry of Scotland", "Council ditches Tweedbank to give Gala the Great Tapestry", "Christine Grahame: Al-Megrahi is home. A Bill that is introduced in the Scottish Parliament is scrutinised and debated by MSPs. I am sure I am not alone in that. As a few have noted she does have a medical condition. In line with our commitment to be Net Zero Carbon by 2030, Ford will become the For the benefit of any doubt the Office of the Lord Advocate has a single employee the Lord Advocate. Surely not. They would sit down and just talk and [at] one point, I remember a whole lot were talking and finally, I just said, look, you may have the rest of the evening to do this, I dont. It is not a universal feature, though, she suggests. Wolffe also appeared to be reading all his answers from his folder. Democracy is fragile. After gaining Diploma in Legal Practice she worked as a solicitor. She has served on the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body since May 2021.[1]. This site is the glue that holds us all together. Thats a problem because all political parties, not just the fact that the SNP is in government, but opposition sometimes need people on their backbenches speaking more freely and it doesnt happen in here the way it ought to, I think. Find out about tours and events at the Scottish Parliament. Can anyone supply anything more in pursuit of this possible Hereld clue concerning who made the decision? After graduating, Grahame worked as an English teacher in secondary schools. That the COPFS only intention on this was to protect the identity of the accuser is simply not credible. ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 18 January 2023, "To ask the Scottish Government when it last spoke to NHS Lothian and NHS Borders. 6,096 Posts, Has Scotland or anywhere else ever jailed a Lord Advocate ? FFS they cant tell the truth even when it doesnt matter and a lie has to be offered to back up a really dodgy bloody argument that just makes it worse. That was Christine Grahame, and although I agree she did appear to be in accordance with Wolffe, Grahame, I think, suffers from Parkinsons. These are the official transcripts of what was said by this MSP in the chamber and at committee meetings. Aided by the thousands of Wingers, who have to be the most knowledgeable collection of bloggers anywhere in the world. 24 February, 2021 at 7:15 pm But, personally, I had sat with people on that committee and I know, while there might be some party politics in it, there were also genuine concerns, and I wasnt prepared to have the committee members, whoever they were, [treated] as if it was some kind of cheap political posing and it wasnt for some of them at all., Grahame brushes off a suggestion she is outspoken, rather it is that she speaks out when the situation calls for it. This website is using cookies. This website contains useful information including details on how to contact me as well as local surveys and information. A higher prison population is historically typical of countries under colonial domination. 24 February, 2021 at 9:43 pm. Dont forget this guys responsible for several failed malicious (declared so by a judge) prosecutions which cost this country millions. Rhiannon Spear. Or is it? Absolutely no answers, & of course I heard no explanation about the need to actually redact. It now seems so. The lines are being drawn up: on their side are the Sturgeonista loyalists, the sophomiric woke Wahhabis, the grey suited Charlotte Street SPADs and those dependent on the SNP for funding for their quango or the prospect of sinecures as long as they remain on message. See all of Christine Grahame motions in Parliament. Unbelievable though, the biggest gig in town and the big cheese doesnt know or control whos doing what or when. At the forefront of the backlash are to be newly empowered minority groups set-upon by right-wing white heterosexual males, who as well as being the key to OWNING the streets (the roots of any fledgling dictatorship) are themselves being mass emasculated to simultaneously make them more susceptible to State and societal subservience; which upon #ToryAnalyticas own militarisation trigger #OpFukuglaschu was (is) in the process of guilt-shaming demoralised and depressed young men to be handed their #PatrioticPoverty purpose on a plate and *channelled* to find their meaning in an #AusterityArmy uniform in order to begin the mobilisation of a truly global, 21st century fascism. Both South of the Border and at home here, the SNP will be portrayed as Scot on Scot tribal warfare parochial nutcases- how on earth can run a country when they would rather rip each other apart.

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christine grahame illness

christine grahame illness